At the end of each academic year HCA hosts a grauate show displaying work from all the BA and MA level students. As part of my role at HCA I was tasked with producing the course brochures that listed all of the exhibiting students and contained a shot bio and image for each student.
As each brouchure needed to be signed off by the course leader and contain hundreds of students, alot of communication and organisation was needed for each year that they were procuced.

Cover images were chosen from the student work to represent each subject.

In 2021 Stundents from 2020 were invited back to exhibit along side the 2021 students as they had missed the oportunity to exhibit in 2020. This meant that more brochures than usual needed to be made.

The number of students varied from course to course meaning that the Layout design had to be adaptive. Some smalelr courses had only one fold and 2/3 students per page, some had more students and had 4 students per page while the bigest courses had 4 students on each page and spread onto the back of the brouchures.