Each year Hereford College of Arts (HCA) holds their anual graduation at Hereford Cathedral and congradualates hundreds of students for compleeting their degree. This important occasion needs a range of materials such as a brochure, tickets and a memorial pin for each graduating class.

The main imagres of each year is chosen from work of the graduating year to help celibrate the work made and skills they will take forward.

The pins above were designed with the HCA Brand colour yellow in mind and uses a gold effect metal finish in a white background to have a sharp contrasting text that is easy to read.

In 2020 an 2021 the tickets imagry mirrored the brochures, but in 2022 a slightly diferent aproach was taken.
By altering the original artwork by Hannah Jones (@hannah.lou.illustration) I created four variations of the ticket that were sent to graduating students.

For the 2022 brochure the internal layout needed to be very precise and clear as less pages beeing printed in order to recuce both costs and carbon footprint.

All of the Invitations included a QR code link to the graduation webpage that contained a breakdown of the Graduation day schedule, location details and additonal information such as local accommodation and graduate deals in the area.