As more and more degree level providers are moving away from large, bulkey, expensive and unsustainable prospectuses Hereford College of Arts (HCA) explored the other ways of sharing the range of courses alalible at HCA through smaller handouts such as these Prospectus Postcards. All designs were made without any references to academic years so that the handouts could nevery "expire" and thus increased there sustainable impact.

This first set above was designed for HCA's Degree level course with a range of covers to represent a range of the courses avalible. The Back's of the Postcards were all the same providing a full list of Degree level course and a QR link to dowload a digital copy of the full prospectus.

The college level Prospectus Postcards had five covers to represent the five core subject areas - Art & Design, Digital Futures, Music, Performing Arts and the Foundation Course.