As part of the end of year shows a brand identity was produced to help promote the exhibitons. Using original artwork by Illustration student Amalia Goga (@stillnotoriginal) I created two variations of the brand to represent the degree level show and college level show.

A range of posters, leaflets, private view invatations and social media contnet was produced for the exhibition. Almot all of the printed material was printed on a RIZO printer. This specialist printer is somewhere between a digital screen printing and photocopying giving the design a more vivid and personal feel due the the sometimes inexact process.

The original artwork above, on the white background, uses softer colourse and had addtional lines around the illustrations. These were removed to simplify the design and avoid any printing isues. The coulours were made more vivid and some text altered to become clearer. I made the illustration into a vector to make it more versatile allowing the charicters to be pulled from the design for internal signage, a lanscape version to be made and animated video made.

The college level exhibition was across two campuses and Required additional Signage wellcoming visitors to each camopus while highlighting that the othe campus was also part of the exhibition.